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The Bald Eagle
2 min readMar 8, 2021


Does anybody know anything about copyright law? Are we allowed to be blatantly referencing popular culture movies as titles to our latest blog post?

Can we get somebody from Warner Bros. studies on the blower? I don’t want to be sued. Hell, let’s go one better and get Steven Spielberg on the line!

Could this be an overthought of the highest order? I think so. Shall we begin? Let’s.

Full disclosure, I’m addicted to my phone.

I mean, I’m not an addict, I don’t attend ‘phones anonymous’ or rob the ‘Carphone Warehouse’ at gun point to get that sweet, sweet fix; but I do find comfort in looking at my phone in certain social situations.

Sometimes, I don’t even realise I’m doing it. It’s like it’s an extension of my body and at some points, gets so bad that my closest friends will notice that I just unlocked my phone, scrolled and locked it again, only to repeat the process thirty seconds later. WHAT HAS CHANGED IN 30 SECONDS!? Has Lindsay Lohan started a new fashion brand? Probably f***ing not, but rest assured, I’m the first to know. Hit me up if you want any entertainment goss (xoxo, Gossip Girl).

For years I just thought “Damn Bald Eagle, you’re a slave to social media;” but in recent years, I’ve began to realise that there’s much more at play here than meets the eye.

I’ve noticed first hand, my tendency to look at my phone increases when I’m in an unfamiliar situation, particularly if I’m away from home / abroad / apart from my partner.

It’s these unfamiliar situations which drives someone with OCD insane. It’s another environment that they cannot control, which ultimately leads to anxiousness, overthinking and other neurotic tendencies that the average person wouldn’t think twice about.

But there’s something about the modern day phone that anchors you back to your normal life, your normal routine and quite frankly, this tendency to check it often puts me at ease.

I’m not rude, I’m not ignorant, I’m obsessive; compulsive; disordered. Or maybe I’m a tw*t. Who knows…

XOXO Bald Eagle



The Bald Eagle

The day to day thoughts of a man with OCD — not just about colour coordinating your skittles. Intrusions, anxieties and all the inbetweens.